Shoe Minting
Shoe-Minting Event (SME) happens when users use a Sneaker, 3 parts and 1 skin they own to “breed”, producing a Shoebox in the process. For reference, the Sneaker will be called Vintage. The Vintage need to be in the user’s possession (not under lease) and have full durability to begin an SME.
Users can select a Sneaker, choose the Parts and Skin to “breed” with, and press Mint to proceed. The user will instantly receive a Shoebox that can be opened immediately.
Users can perform a maximum of 7 SMEs per Sneaker. The higher SME count a Sneaker has, the more VST/VMT it will cost.
Minting Costs
More details coming soon!
Shoe Minting Variation
Sneaker Attributes are randomized according to their quality, regardless of their Vintage’s Attributes.
1. Skin has six qualities, that match the Sneaker quality.
2. Skin can be obtained by opening the Box. It is not a guaranteed drop.
3. Shoe-Minting requires 1 Sneaker, 1 Upper, shoelaces, insoles, soles, VST and VMT.
4. Uppers are permanently burned after use.
Last updated